Я не разу не был за границей...

• г. Москва

Меня зовут Денис.. Мне 23 года. И живу я в России. Я не разу не был за границей... у меня нет детей.. нет жены... нет жилья собственного... уже очень давно я строю отношения с человеком который живет в США.. Спустя долгое время мы решили сойтись и жить в месте, но на территории США. теперь стал вопрос о моем переезде... и я столкнулся с тем что меня не пустят на родину к моему будущему супругу Помогите я приму любые меры для того что бы уехать к нему и создать свою семью...

Hello ..my name is Dennis..I'm 23 years .And I live in Russia.I have never been abroad ...I have no kids ..no wife ...no housing of its own ...a long time ago I build a relationship with a man who lives in the US ..After a long time we decided to come together and live in a place ,but in the United States .now there was a question about me moving ...and I was faced with the fact that I cannot go home to my future wife ...Help I will take any action that would join him and create his family ...

My mother passed away 3 months ago. I m only one son and live in the USA. There is a house in Crimea where her second husband left. They never been married but have been lived for 17 years together .Do I have any right to get 1/2 of house on my name.

Привет, я жил в России, но пришлось вернуться в США, чтобы возобновить мой паспорт. В результате моих комментариев и взглядов на США и другие вопросы с ними, они взяли мои путешествия документы и не будет выдавать новые, угрожают мне все время, сказали мне, что они будут принимать свое прирожденный гражданство, и многое другое. Они не нравится, что я собирался принести 100% отечественный органический экологически чистых экономически эффективное закрытый аквакультуры и сельского хозяйства в России, которая будет делать это миры крупнейшим производителем и экспортером экологически чистых продуктов и. Они нарушили все статьи МПГПП договора, за который они членом подписавшей стороной и государством. Я говорил с людьми, как Миронов, Доронин, офис президента и других; Я снабдил их с информацией о моих планах и вопросов о возвращении в Россию, но это трудно для тех, кто, чтобы помочь, они игнорируют меня. Посольство говорил со мной подробно много раз, как я подготовил обращение за помощью, которое более 200 страниц, они призвали меня сделать это до российской границы и попросить убежища. Большой! Я бы сразу, но все они по-прежнему не учитывать тот факт, что я не могу попасть на самолет и я уверен, что не может плавать в океан.

Так что я могу сделать? Как я могу выполнить необходимое процесс, если я не могу туда попасть? Есть еще один способ?

Мне нужна помощь. Россия стала моим домом. Я хочу вернуться домой! Чтобы почувствовать русскую землю под ногами, дышать воздухом русский, смотреть в голубое небо над Россией.

Я не могу поставить свою правильный номер в том виде, как это не русский, но номер, я могу говорить с помощью Viber, WhatsApp, электронной почте, Skype, и т.д...


Hello, I was living in Russia but had to return to the USA to renew my passport. as a result of my comments and views on the USA and other issues with them, they took my travel documents and will not issue new ones, threaten me all the time, have told me they will take my natural born citizenship, and much more. They did not like that I was going to bring a 100% domestic organic eco friendly cost effective indoor aquaculture and agriculture to Russia which would make it the worlds largest producer and exporter of clean foods and. They have violated every article of the ICCPR treaty for which they are a signatory member and party state. I have spoken to people such as Mironov, Doronin, the office of the president and others; I have supplied them with information on my plans and the issues about returning to Russia but it is hard for anyone to help, they ignore me. The embassy has spoken with me in detail many times as I have prepared an appeal for help that is over 200 pages, they encouraged me to make it to the Russian border and ask for asylum. Great! I would right away, but they all continue to not address the fact that I cannot get on a plane and I sure cannot swim the ocean.

So, what can I do? How can I perform the needed process if I cannot get there? Is there another way?

I need help. Russia became my home. I want to return home! To feel the Russian earth beneath my feet, to breathe the Russian air, to look into the blue skies above Russia.

I cannot put my correct number in the form as it is not a Russian number but I can talk via viber, whatsapp, email, skype, etc...


На днях мне пришло письмо на почту с текстом

Hello my dearest one,­

I thank you for mailing me back in fact­ i am happy when i saw that you have mai­led me back To tell you about myself ,I ­am Miss Lilian Kamara, 23 yrs old , the ­only surviving daughter of my late paren­ts Dr/Mrs Kamara from IVORY COAST in w­est Africa, he was the chairman managing­ director KAMARA INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD­, in Monrovia, presently i am in Dakar S­enegal under asylum as a refugee, due to­ Attacks by both government and rebel fo­rces continued throughout the year, incl­uding major aerial bombardments and grou­nd attacks launched by the government in­ IVORY COAST in west Africa

please why i need your help and your re­lationship is because of my situation he­re in the camp we are so much suffering ­here in the camp we are only allowed to ­go out from the camp only two times of t­he weeks. It is just like one staying in­ the prison and I hope by Gods grace wit­h your help i will come out of this plac­e soon. I do not have any relatives whom­ i could go to now.

please my dear why i contacted you at t­he first time is because of my situation­ and who i can tell all my secret, i nee­d truthful and honest person who i can ­share my life with, please I would lov­e to chat with you but in the camp we ar­e not allow to do so, because we make us­e of the Reverends fathers Computer here­ in the camp i don't have phone but you ­can call me through Rev telephone No. (+2­21763998536) when ever you call tell him­ that you want to speak with Lilian Kama­ra then he will sent for me to come and ­answer your call,

please my dear read this mail very well­ and understand my point, when my father­ was alive he deposited some amount of m­oney in a leading bank in Europe. in whi­ch he used my name as the next of kin, a­nd I have my late father's statement of ­account and death certificate here with ­me which I will send to you latter, the ­amount in question is ($4.7m)Four Millio­n, seven Hundred Thousand Dollars. So I ­will like you to help me transfer this m­oney to your care and from it you can se­nd some money for me to get my traveling­ documents and air ticket to come over t­o be with you Or to live with your famil­y in your country, I don't have any righ­t or privilege to do any thing be it mon­ey or whatever because it is against the­ law of this country. I want to go back ­to my studies because I only attended my­ first year before the tragic incident t­hat lead me to this situation

I kept this secret to people in the cam­p the only person that knows about it i­s only Reverend Father who is Minister i­n charge of the church in this camp owne­d by United Nations. because i tell him ­everything about you before he give me g­o ahead other, please any time you calle­d tell him that you want to speak with m­e Lilian, in room 25 women hostel,

I will like you to keep this secret to ­yourself and don't tell it to anyone cau­se I am afraid of loosing my life and th­e money if people gets to know about it.­ Remember I am giving you all this infor­mation due to the trust and love I depos­ited on you.

Mean while I will like you to tell me y­our in tension towards helping me out be­cause like I said I have allot to tell y­ou. Have a nice day and think about me. ­Am waiting to hear from you soonest, Tha­nks and God bless you.Love From Lilian что все это значит что за развод.

Есть ли какие-юристы на сайте, который может помочь мне с вопросом иммиграции?

Я американский гражданин чей прав МПГПП были грубо нарушены США. Там не существует методов обращения в США, ни в рамках ООН, как и в 2014 году во время рассмотрения политики и действий США по правам человека, США сообщил ООН, что кто-нибудь под юрисдикцией США не подлежит прав, защиты, и гарантий Международный закон. В результате действий США, я не был в состоянии вернуться в Россию и в жизни и семье я строил там. Ходатайство к российскому правительству, депутаты Государственной Думы, и посольство в результате рекомендации этих организаций, что я искать убежище, но я не могу добраться до территории России, чтобы сделать так, поэтому мне нужно найти некоторую форму помощи или лазейку, чтобы сделать это за пределами территории.

Are there any lawyers on the site who can help me with an immigration issue?

I am an American citizen whos ICCPR rights have been egregiously violated by the US. There are no methods of recourse in the US nor through the UN as in 2014 during the review of the US Human Rights policies and actions, the US informed the UN that anyone under US jurisdiction is not subject to the rights, protections, and guarantees of international law. As a result of the actions of the US I have not been able to return to Russia and to a life and family I was building there. A petition to the Russian government, State Duma members, and the embassy resulted in a recommendation by those organizations that I seek asylum, but I cannot get to Russian territory to do so, therefore I need to find some form of help or loophole to do it outside of the territory.

Я получила сегодня это письмо

My beloved one

I greet you; It is true that this letter may come to you as a surprise. Nevertheless, I humbly ask you to give me your attention and hear me out. My name is Mrs. Linda Uwen from Australia. I am married To Dr. Edward Uwen who worked with OBD Gold Minning Company here in Ghana for a period of 8 years before he died.

We were married for 15 years without a child before he died after a brief illness. Since his death I decided not to remarry due to my religious belief. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$6.5m (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand United State American dollars ) with a Security Trust here in Ghana. Presently this money is still in the custody of the Security Trust here in Ghana. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next Four months due to cancer illness.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this money to Charity or a good person that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein.

I want you to use this money for Charity organization, orphanages, widows and other people that are in need. l took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money . Moreover, my husband relatives are not close to me since I develop a Cancer problem and it had been their wish to see me dead in order to inherit his wealth since we have no Child. These people are not worthy of this inheritance. This is why I am taking this decision.

I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my ill-health. As soon as I receive your responds I will give you the contact of the Security Trust here in Ghana where the money is deposited. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the Security Trust that will make you the beneficiary of this money. I want you to always put me in prayer.

Any delay in your responds may give me room to look for another good person for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein.

Thanks for sending your mail acrosss.Just as I wrote you before in Busuu,I have been in the hospital for like 7 months now but the doctor broke the bitter news to me 9 days ago. it is true that I do not know you too well but I feel in my heart that I can trust you,I am convinced that you will act as I will instruct you.

I strongly believe that the events of this world have its own way of bringing people together for good.I will like to have your full name, address, age, occupation and your contact telephone number so that I will use the information for the Authorization of Claim via a Lawyer, as soon as this is done, I will send you a copy of the deposit slip and a copy of my passport for your reverence and also the contact information of the Security Trust where the money was deposited by my late husband for you to have a direct communication with the Trust on how the fund will be release and transfer directly to you, for you to carry out my heart desire towards these fund.

I have to stop here for now and hoping to hear from you soonest to enable us proceed further because there is no time left, I want the fund to get to you before my death comes.

Объявление на английском чтобы сразу было понятно кто требуется

- Not Business English not some "Hello how are you?" but Fluent English! Just like you speak Russian. You will deal with non Russian clients at the moment due to Youtube having issue with Russia.

- Retainer's fee of 80 000 rubles monthly. You only work when something needs doing.You have to get to it within a day.

- Have a pretty good idea about Youtube, videos that fall under American fair use law, Russian free use law, the knowledge of those laws and all the Russian laws pertaining to copyright.

- The job is the copyright protection of fair use creators under the umbrella of Russian law. Your job entails signing clients up explaining what legal protection we provide and answering their copyright questions when they ask.

- You will have to go to court if some dumb, mostly American, company decides to sue us on copyright grounds. Very unlikely but it can happen.

I'm Egyptian and have wife and daughter from Russia... last time I was there I had problems with drugs? I go Curt and say I must pay 4000 ruble and leave Russia.not wrote time to be out side . I did it.. Naw I'm in Egypt. I can come back to Russia? U can help me to fix it?

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Of hi dear

I buy Aluminium scrap the from Novosibirsk

with In the first order the buy one's container

for We WAS payments TERM I of payments shipping the cust to the shiping Company About enterprise | the after seller the send up my container And the remaining money WAS a paid the after the the receive Iran port

I of payments shipping the cust to the shiping 4 company ago the seller and month the shiping company Said container up my container in the astarakhan with in Customs Customs Procedures Customs Procedures But But do not Takes a four months

I of Suspected am

I of lawyer Have need for all of the buy from Novosibirsk and the this the buy. the check up my loading for They containers and documents and the tracking up my container in the Russian Procedures

the Do you want to Cooperate with me?

Best regards

Вчера на почту пришло подозрительное письмо следующего содержания:

Good Day,

This is my personal reference number BBP/80/JM13 and My Name is Mrs. Elena Shuvalov. Please send this to my attorney with the contact information below - she would provide all information to you. Due to my Sickness, i have been touched by God and want my (WILL) to be donated to you rather than allow my relatives to use my Late husband hard earned funds ungodly. My doctor told me that I have limited days to live due to the cancerous problems I am suffering from as I will be going in for an operation later today. What bothers me most is the stroke that I have in addition to the cancer. With this hard reality that has befallen my family and me I have decided to donate this fund to you and want you to use this gift which comes from my Late husbands effort to fund the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans, destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially.

I am currently sending you this mail from my sick bed in the hospital, I do not need any telephone communication in this regard due to my deteriorating health and because of the presence of my Late husbands relatives around me. I do not want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. I believe in Charity and I believe your faith is guarantee for me to trust you. Contact The Law Firm of Vinson & Elkins on the email: (barr.aamadi1@foxmail.com) +44-701-007-1137 I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of ($6.5 million dollars) with a Security Company. I am diagnosed of cancer and have a time limit to live on this planet.

As for how I got your email, it was gotten after a proper search via your area zip code with the help of the lord leading me. At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls right now and my Doctor knows i have changed my Will. Lord will Bless you Abundantly as you extend the good works to others and Ensure to use a greater portion of the funds for its purpose in fulfillment of my last wish. Contact my attorney on the email - (barr.aamadi1@foxmail.com ) +44-701-007-1137


Mrs. Elena Shuvalov

Мошейничество ли? Спасибо.

Sent this letter to you a month ago, but I do not know if you got it, because I have not heard from you and that is why I repeat. I am a lawyer, Jimmy Mark, from the Republic of Togo. what I suggest you for the death of Mr. Donald Мухитдинов who was my client before his death, resulting in huge amounts of money 12.500.000.00 million dollars in the bank. After an unsuccessful attempt to find a link there, I decided to contact you. большой!

От кого: Peter Shivaratri

Кому: barrister.jimmymark92@mail.ru

9 марта, 5:24

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