Победитель Канадской Западной лотереи должен открыть нерезидентский счет в UNION BANK OF NIGERIA PLC - цель и процедура выплаты вознаграждений

• г. Новосибирск

Я стал победителем Канадской Западной лотереи, денежное вознаграждение мне должен выплатить UNION BANK OF NIGERIA PLC. Я прислал по их требованию номер валютного долларового счета оформленного на мое имя в банке г Новосибирска а также фотокопии водительского удостоверения и паспорта для идентификации. Но финансовый адвокат этого банка и сам банк требует чтобы на мое имя в юнион банке был открыт нерезидентский долларовый счет, мотивируя это тем что я не могу лично присутствовать в Нигерии для передачи мне причитающейся суммы. За открытие счета меня просят перечислить 600 долларов через западный союзный безналичный денежный перевод не банковский счет с такой информацией:



Note that, Secret question should be:

and the secret answer should be:

You have to send the payment details back to us through email.

The payment details will include:






Вопрос с какой целью открывается такой счет и как происходит процедура выплаты вознаграждений победителю такой лотереи, почему нельзя напрямую перевести деньги на счет который я предоставил банку?

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Вячеслав, главное, не будьте наивны.

да это же обыкновеный "развод"!

И думать забудьте, что кто то Вам на "халяву" чего то выплатит. есть огромное количество случаев, когда людей по подобным "лотереям" просто кидали и лотерейщик-лохотронщик после этого скрывался в никуда. Это (я Вас уверяю) из той же серии.

С уважением,

25.01.2016, 12:15

BANK Распечатать - Сообщение от WESTERN UNION BANK OFFICE TG о возможности повторного получения фонда

BANK Распечатать 22.10.14 WESTERN UNION BANK OFFICE TG подробнее ×Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский? Перевести do you willing to claim the fund again or not? Удалить Это спам! Не прочитано NARAQNARA пред. След. BANK Распечатать 18.08.14 WESTERN UNION BANK OFFICE TG подробнее ×Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский? Перевести Attn friend, We are already the first payment US$5000 to you today but we release send name with Question and Answer, so that you will pick up it in any western union nearest you.You will^pay our charge US$650.Send it through western union money transfer. Payment details Country sender,TGo City,Lome MTCN,5716543626 When our transfer charge US$650,we release send name with Question and Answer to you. Western union payment details for you to send the activation below Receive name: Tony Onyibor QuestionGood AnswerGood CountryTogo CityLome Amount,$650 Sending us the western union payment slip urgently Sincerely Mr.Tony Wood DIRECTOR OF WESTERN UNION LOME-TOG надо верить,?
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25.01.2016, 12:20

Важное сообщение от BANK - Получение платежа через Western Union Bank Office TG

BANK Распечатать 22.10.14 WESTERN UNION BANK OFFICE TG подробнее ×Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский? Перевести do you willing to claim the fund again or not? Удалить Это спам! Не прочитано NARAQNARA пред. След. BANK Распечатать 18.08.14 WESTERN UNION BANK OFFICE TG подробнее ×Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский? Перевести Attn friend, We are already the first payment US$5000 to you today but we release send name with Question and Answer, so that you will pick up it in any western union nearest you.You will^pay our charge US$650.Send it through western union money transfer. Payment details Country sender,TGo City,Lome MTCN,5716543626 When our transfer charge US$650,we release send name with Question and Answer to you. Western union payment details for you to send the activation below Receive name: Tony Onyibor QuestionGood AnswerGood CountryTogo CityLome Amount,$650 Sending us the western union payment slip urgently Sincerely Mr.Tony Wood DIRECTOR OF WESTERN UNION LOME-TOG надо верить,?kAK naiti NASHEGO PAPU,V UKRAINE ?U MENYA NETU DENEG.
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27.08.2014, 11:36

Предложение на продажу - Проблемы с запросом полной банковской карты и информацией о доставке в Нигерию

Я выложил обьявление на сайте о продажи Im okay with your price and i want you to email me your full bank card information.. card name.. card bank name.. card number.. I will wait to hear from you soon so that i can complete the payment to your account without no delay.. Looking forward to hear from you soon.. Jack Thanks for your email,i want you to know that you will be sending the item to my cousins address in Nigeria via EMS POST and here is the address below. so i will offer you 12000rub for the item including the sending.. Name... Adegbo David Address..Faculty of Education, UI State:Oyo State City:Ibadan Zip-code..200284 Country ...Nigeria Mobile #...+2347053982488 So i want you to email me your full bank details as well as the final price for the item as well, and i want you to send me some photos too Regards -- Hi,I want to buy your AD... Let me know the condition of the ads and the final price u want to sell it in euro... Thanks... это весь диалог и хотелось бы узнать можно ли давать человеку олную банковскую карту информация.. имя карты.. название банка карты.. номер карты.. это обман или нет зарание спасибо.
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04.04.2015, 20:38

Important Notice - Western Union Money Transfer Confirmation and Request for International Stamp Duty Fee

Здравствуй у меня вопрос есть вам несколька раз такой сообщения получиль в почту. SKYE BANK WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER Quartier Assivito, Rue Koumore. 01 B.P 3256 Lome Togo. Tel/Fax: +228-98701857 Email, westernunion.officetg@ymail.com We have secured all your transfer documents , Your transfer is Ready now, Open your attach for the Transfer Permit and the TRANSFER GURRANTEE BOUND According to the Law of This Bank and the Management's. We need the INTERNATIONAL STAMP DUTY FEE of $368 to enable us secure the transfer duty stamp and make your transfer. Again Banking Law here Forbid us to deduct any fee from your Original Fund , For that we have no right to deduct a cent from your $950.000.00. Now go and send to this office your Stamp Duty Fee $368 via Western Union with our directors Name as follows To enable us transfer your Money $950.000.00 into your account Today.. Be informed that it is impossible for us to deduct a cent from your original fund because it is against banking law here. SEND YOUR STAMP DUTY FEE VIA WESTERN UNION AS FOLLOWS RECEIVER NAME.. ...MICHEAL IDOWU. ADDRESS/CITY …..QUARTIER ASSIVITO LOME COUNTRY……TOGO REPUBLIC QUESTION...STAMP ANSWER……..DUTY AMOUNT---……$368 MTCN... Be fast and send the fee now and also fill your Bank information's to enable us transfer your Money $950.000.00 into your account Today Bank Informations. Raiffeisen Bank AG, Vienna Your Bank Name. OJSCB KAPITALBANK Your Bank Adress. Respublic of Karakalpakistan, Nukus city, J. Aymurzaeva str.8 Your Bank Account Number. 20206840599073945001/01038 SWIFT CODE. KACHUZ22 Beneficiary Name MANSUR YULDASHEV Copy Of Your Pasport Awaits Professor A.K MISRA Opration Maneger SKYE BANK, (WESTERN UNION TOGO)
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05.07.2016, 08:20

Письмо от ЯндексПочты - Объявление о переводе средств через Western Union

Яндекспочта naraqnara@ya.ru Входящие Отправленные Спам ПисьмаДискКонтактыПочта на телефон× Поиск писем Найти Переложить в папку Написать Проверить Ответить Переслать Удалить Не спам! Не прочитано Письмо найдено по запросу «wesnern union». Вернуться к поиску Re: BANK Распечатать 17 июн. в 21:26 Western Union Office Togo подробнее ×Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский? Перевести Attn Friend, After our general meet with Federal Government yesterday, then F.G gave us order that any person fund still in our wu office since, we will go deposited it in the Ad bank Togo today and let the owner know. We advise you urgently contact ad bank director and they will tell you what have to do and get your fund sum of $850,000.00 into your bank account. Send your bank account details in the bank to transfer the fund into your bank account. Director name: Mr.Alex O.kodjiou Email address (db.bankdirecttg@gmail.com) Make sure you will contact them urgently Thank Mr.Tony Wood WU BANK DIRECTOR TEL:+22890272933, как поступить, что делать с этим письмом!
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06.07.2016, 22:49

Important Notice - Activation Fee Required for Fund Transfer of $850,000.00

Мне прислали письмо, которое мне не понять. И что делать то же не понятно. You have to pay activation fee $65 through money gram bank urgently in order to proceed start transfer each day $5000 for you until the fund sum of $850,000.00 shall completely transfer to you.we cannot deduct the activation fee from your funds because we were not authorized by Federal Government to do so; We are require to you sending activation fee $65 because without the stamp fee you can not pick the money for it's on hold and the code cannot be released to you until you send the activation fee, that is an instruction from Federal Government. We advise you to send activation fee through money gram bank transfer urgently.
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Владимир Николаевич
01.09.2005, 02:21

Не могли бы Вы объяснить, что на самом деле хотят от меня?

По электронной почте пришло письмо следующего содержания: ROM THE DESK OF: BARRISTER PETER J. ABBA CHAMBER:ABBA & ASSOCIATES 3 Allen Ave.Ikeja, Lagos - Nigeria Please bear with me for sending this letter to you surprisingly. I am the Barrister P.J Abba Personal Attorney to a national of your country, who used to work with Shell Petroleum Development Company in Nigeria (SPDC). Please, I sincerely wish to let you know that this is not the kind of e-mails that you will refer to as "spam" or it's like. I am genuine and I will prove it to you once I hear back from you On the 21st of April 2002, my client, his wife And their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagamu/Lagos Express Road. Unfortunately they All lost their lives in the event of the accident,Since then I have made several enquiries to your Embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives over the Internet to locate any member of his family but of no avail, hence I contacted you. I contacted you to assist in repartrating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged. Particularly, the Bank where the deceased had an account valued at about $9million U.S dollars (Nine million dollars). Conseqently,The bank issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next ten official working days. Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the the relatives for over 2 years now. I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you are from the same country so that the proceeds of this account valued at $9million U.S dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can share the money. 55% to me and 40% to you,while 5% should be for expenses or tax as your government may require. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Yours Faithfully, P.J. Abba For:Abba & Associates. Я поинтересовался, что требуется от меня, на что получил следующий ответ: Dear Vladimir, I respond with the belief that you understand the necessity for strict privacy and confidence in a transaction of this magnitude and nature. I make bold to intimate you with the details of my perfected modalities for the realization of this project. This project is ready for execution, it is 100% risk free;But where the only risk lies is will this money be safe when in your custody?I will trust you with this responsibilty but it is a risk on my part if this money is not transfered out of this country immediately. I depend on your total co-operation and assistance for the materialization of this project to be accomplished. The necessity to follow my instructions cannot be over-emphasized, as I am committed not just for the transfer of the funds parse, but to ensure a 100% success of this project.I hope for your total trust and honesty as I reassure you that neither your interest nor that of your company will be jeopardized on account of availing me the use of your account for the transfer of the funds in question. We are embarking on this transaction after the bank where the money is being lodged gave me an ultimatum to provide a next of kin to the deceased or the money will be forfieted into the Federal Government War Endowment fund which was secretly set aside to support the rebels in west african sub-region in an effort of the government to perpatrate thier long stay in office sine these leaders are all ex-military men with a military mind in civilain clothing.It was due to this backdrop that I kicked against the wrong use of these fund hence I contacted you to help me save lives and also benefit immensly from this money. MODALITIES The sum of US$9,000,000.00 being the inheritance claim payment would be officially perceived to have been willed to you by our late client. Yes, the process of the funds transfer would be legitimized and officialised by assuming the protocol of a foreign transfer entitlement from Union Bank Nigeria Plc which is the final remitting authority. However this application will pass through the Tenders Board of the bank. All relevant approvals and validation report will certify the claims for the payment. All other approvals will be issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria.All these are mere procedures for the satisfaction of fund release. Be informed that within 5-7 working days of the commencement of this project, we would have successfully concluded the customary procedure oof transfer. To enable us commence,kindly forward the following information: 1.Your complete names. 2.Your contact/mailing address. 3.Your private telephone and fax number. Upon the receipt of these information,I will forward to you the Bank text of application form which you will use to apply for the inheritance claims from the bank,you are to complete and return to the bank for processing Immediately. I await to hear from you. Regards, Barrister Peter Abba. Не могли бы Вы объяснить, что на самом деле хотят от меня? Спасибо. Владимир.
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Федюра Татьяна Давыдовна
15.07.2015, 10:05

Получение письма с предложением от банка Barclays - подлинная информация или мошенничество?

После знакомства с мужчиной на сайте Знакомства На мою электронную почту avgust092014@mail.ru пришло письмо RE; BARCLAYS BANK От кого: LYCOS @ BARCLAYS BANK Кому: avgust092014@mail.ru сегодня, 7:46 1 файл BARCLAYS BANK PLC. Barclays-unitedkingdom@lycos.com 25TH MAY 2015 FUND CONFIRMATION AVGUST092014@MAIL.RU To Mrs. TATYANA BARRY BENJAMIN, My name is MRS. Linda Johnson Lycos; I am the account manager of this account for the past 5 years from late MRS. ANITA BENJAMIN who authoritatively handed this account over to Mr.BARRY BENJAMIN . I am in charge of the account and this transfer to make sure everything is completed safely. I am to direct you on what to do and help you with any question you need to know from the bank, I am the regional manager of Barclays bank and I have a lot of customers on my desk, so I do not want to waste time with your transaction. I want us to start it and execute it immediately. We have been working with your husband since he came to ghana; we have collected a lot of documents and cleared a lot fund. This account is two different accounts which we margin into one account. I confirm that late MRS ANITA BENJAMIN has authoritatively WILLED the account to Mr.BARRY BENJAMIN, as the lawful owner of this account and a beneficiary of the fund. I confirm that Mr.BARRY BENJAMIN has in this account five million five hundred thousand pounds (5,500,000) in cash, which is the gross fund in his both accounts here. I also affirm that the money is both available for transfer and legal. I confirm that this fund is free of any liens or debts and they are clean, clear and non-criminal in origin. They are available for immediate transfer, this money have been here for investment for five years since 31 July 2010. There is no illegal deal or bad transaction which Barclays bank can be involve with. We have the FIB and they are aware of this transaction, it was fully registered. Please contact us should you require any additional letter or prove of the account or any further verification of the above fund. We are here to serve you better. Attach to this email, is the processing form, you need to download it and print it out fill it and scan and send back to me. Please be careful with filling the form, make sure that every word and number is correct for a free transfer of the funds. Fill the form and attach it and send it back to us for the processing of the transfer. If there is anything confusing you, do not hesitate to write me. Note; do not Write to Any Other Email address Apart from this. I am the officer assign to you for this transaction. Do not Write or do not contact another person expect from Barclays Bank . I am here for your service. SINCERELY Linda Johnson Lycos Regional manager Barclays bank plc OFFICIAL MAIL FROM BANK OF GHANA GHANA BARCLAYS BANKS Все файлы проверены, вирусов нет 1 файл BARCLAYS BANK LONDON.jpg 67 КБПосмотретьСкачатьВ Облако с просьбой заполнить моими личными данными бланк этого Банка который называют Формой. Мой вопрос следующий: Можете ли вы сообщить мне достоверный электронный адрес данного Банка, чтобы узнать известно ли администрации данного Банка о рассылках подобных писем, а также о рассылках подобных бланков Формы? Чтобы уточнить работает ли на самом деле региональный менеджер Linda Johnson Lycos данном Банке? Также мой вопрос: не является ли мошенничеством и незаконным сбором персональных данных граждан рассылка подобных писем и блакнов Формы от имени данного Банка? С уважением Татьяна. Жду ответ на мой адрес: avgust092014@mail.ru Спасибо!
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02.04.2021, 13:20

Wells Fargo Bank USA - Telephonic Transfer Notice of $10.7 Million Transfer to Pantely Palchekh

Headquarters March 04/1/2021 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104. United States. Official Number☎. +1 585-391-9391 or ☏ 1-800-(1-800-869-3567). Whatsapp✆ Us on: +1 (214) 489 1764 (24Hr) Customer Care Service Bank E-mail✉: wellsfergo@fastservice.com Bank Website: www.wellsfargo.com FILE: WELLS FARGO BANK USA TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER NOTICE OF US $10.7 MILLION TRANSFER To: Dear PANTELEY PALCHEKH Like i told you before, once you get to send another $400, they will be no stories and you will get your funds transfer to you account immediately as promised. Please note that our office here can not do what is not on it law. Therefore you must send the $400 before we make the transfer as well. Account name Purity Takoh Bank name BB&T bank Account no 5163402647 Routing no 054001547 Swift code BRBTUS33 Bank address 3400 East-West Hwy, Hyattsville Maryland 20782. Home address 7601 Fontainebleau dr,.
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26.10.2016, 17:06

The Banking Sector in Russia Requires Tax Clearance for International ATM Card Usage

Я не могу получить перевод т.к должна погасить налог на валютный перевод вот что пишет мой банкThe banking sector in Russia has a contentious history that has loaned its locals more distrust than anything else. We assumed The crisis of 1998 and years of unattractive interest rates within their cycle is over. Your ATM card is ready for use and we are to send it through courier. However we received an internal server error and have contacted the Central bank of the Russian federation in Moscow. They referenced that you will be taxed 13% for every $1 million dollars, before you can withdraw and use funds locally. We cannot accept that. It is too bogus, which means they are will be demanding nearly $400,000usd. They know we can file a paper security on your behalf and release and international ATM card that you can use money freely. That is why we asked for tax receipt from you earlier as we were in communication. The good news is that our lawyers can obtain this tax clearance that is been demanded by Russian bank for only $2,950usd. With no service charge, hence you are our customer. Please make arrangement for this clearance as we get back to you with further directives from the Central bank of Russian federation in Moscow.
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