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If you cannot say what God has said, then shut your mouth

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I was watching that famous man of God ‘Nassir Siddhiqi’ only yesterday. Nassir has one of the fastest rising ministries in the world. For a man who was originally a Muslim, it will be surprising to many the way God is moving in his life. Healed miraculously of a deformed face by one touch from God, today he is one of the most vibrant practicing handsome evangelists in all over the Christian world. His television broadcasts are attracting millions of viewers from all countries.

Nassir was at his best yesterday. He began his message by saying “If you cannot say what God has said in His Word, then shut up.!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, what an awesome revelation this is to all of us – he is saying do not speak anything contrary to what God has said. Let us take a look at the words that come out of our mouths every day. How many times have we said “I am poor,” or “I can never get a job,” or “I will never be out of debt till I die.” All of these are in direct opposition to what God has said we are...

We know we are partakers of God’s divine nature. We were created in exactly His image. Only Adam messed it up until we were restored by the blood of Jesus. Today we enjoy the same status God had originally intended for us. Have you noticed that God has never said “I cannot” in all over His Word in the Bible? The word ‘cannot’ was not known to Him or He never could use it! Brother Nassir was saying the same thing in his record breaking broadcast on that day. If you cannot say “I will never be out of debt” then don’t say it. Always speak what God has said and use only His language. It was His perfect Will that we are out of debt. So don’t ever say the contrary.

If you are sick, don’t say “I will never be healed.” Instead say, I appear sick now, but I reject this condition like poison. I have His Word, “By His stripes, I was healed.” So I declare “I am healed” This should be our way of life to live God’s way.

After a time of practice, our mouths will remain silent to all the negative thinking that Satan is throwing at us day in and day out. He knows that God’s Word will never allow him to have his way in our lives.

Brother Nassir was so right. I wish to meet with Him in the near future to be ministered by him to receive more revelations like these. What a wonderful way to put across a thought! “If you cannot say what God has said, then don’t say it.”

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