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People's signs: September 27. What is prohibited on the Holy Cross Exaltation Day, and what does cabbage have to do with it? Check out this article: h

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The Exaltation of the Lord's Cross is a wonderful holiday that believers commemorate on this day in September. It will still take place on September 27. The feast honors the happenings throughout Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary's earthly lives.

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People's signs: September 27. What is prohibited on the Holy Cross Exaltation Day, and what does cabbage have to do with it? Check out this article: h

One of the twelve feasts is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross. Its mission is to find the cross that the Savior was crucified on. This occurred at the start of the fourth century, under Emperor Constantine.

Traditionally, on this day, Christians visited the temple and prayed for the wellbeing of their loved ones. In order to pray to the Lord for a good harvest the next year, it was also usual to go through the fields holding an icon in each hand. Giving a child a cross on this day was thought to be lucky omen; it ensured the child's happiness and health.

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On September 27, it also gained a new name in Russian: Kapustnik. The harvest of cabbage was completed by mid-September (the Exaltation of the Holy Cross fell on the 14th according to the old calendar). This vegetable was also traditionally used in dishes that were offered at special occasions. Another reason to make a Lenten treat using cabbage this year is because the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross falls on Wednesday, a fast day.

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People's signs: September 27. What is prohibited on the Holy Cross Exaltation Day, and what does cabbage have to do with it? Check out this article: h

Cabbage Festival marked the start of youth celebrations in villages. In the nights, girls and boys would go door to door and assist the proprietors in chopping cabbage while also thoroughly examining each other to find a mate. By the way, one account claims that these creative events, which included dressing up, singing, and dancing, are where the name of theatrical skits originated.

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What are you unable to do on September 27?

To visit the forest on this day is thought to be unlucky omen. Because the snakes can be vicious and are getting ready for hibernation, our ancestors were wary about disturbing them.

-You can't resolve issues on this significant festival or even yell at someone because doing so will only cause complications.

-On the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, housewives abandoned their needlework and neglected their home duties.

-September 27 is not a good day to start a new project since the likelihood that it will fail is too great.

-And lastly, stop worrying about money; otherwise, you run the risk of getting into a long-term financial bind.

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People's signs: September 27. What is prohibited on the Holy Cross Exaltation Day, and what does cabbage have to do with it? Check out this article: h

Forecast for September 27:

-Clear skies on September 27 suggest that winter won't arrive until later.

Frosts on the Exaltation night herald an early and ferocious winter.

On September 27, a north wind will blow, signaling a hot summer ahead.

September 27 is recognized as Name Day:

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