Как вернуть неправильно доставленный фотоэпилятор от магазина 29231 SHOP FOR YOU?

• г. Мурманск

Купила фотоэпилятор в 29231 SHOP FOR YOU , а пришла какая то не понятная жужжащая коробочка. И как мне теперь вкрнуть свои деньги. ? При получении мне предложили страховку от сюрпризов. Но неизнаю как теперь отправить товар обратно.

Ответы на вопрос (3):

Пишите претензию продавцу о возврате. В случае отказа придется обращаться в суд. Если товар явно не тот, который рекламировался, можно попробовать обратиться в полицию по факту мошенничества, но не факт, что поможет.


Страховка это бред и навязывание услуг.

Делайте возврат, приложите претензию.

- см. ст. 32 ЗЗПП.


Тем же способом отправляйте, что и получали. Или как Вам удобнее. По почте или курьером. В чем возникла проблема? И Претензию также направляйте. В случае отказа, - Иск в суд на основании Закона о защите прав потребителей. И ст. 131. 132 ГПК РФ.


Бабушка через интернет заказала себе спортивный костюм. Пришла по почте посылка. При открытии вместо костюма обнаружила платье 44 размера. Сайт 29231 Shop for you. Возможно ли вернуть эту розовую прелесть?

Сегодня получила по почте посылку с интернет магазина, который к сожалению оказывается занимается мошенничеством, и в посылке оказался совсем не тот товар, как быть не подскажете? В интернете набрала тот адрес, что написан в посылке:29231 Shop for you. , 125957 Федеральный клиент. В интернете о них очень негативные отзывы.

Заказала в интернет-магазине два платья 62 размера наложенным платежом. Позвонили, сообщили, что посылка ждёт меня в почтовом отделении. Пришла, оплатила 3396.60 рублей. Принесла домой; а там платье детское 38 размера и кипа бумаги. Адрес отправителя: Московская обл., г.Люберцы, пр-кт Октябрьский д.211 ООО "Верданди" (ЕСПП 292313) стала искать в интернете, поняла, что врядли этот адрес существует и что это новый вид мошеничества. Что можно предпринять против мошенников; можно ли вернуть деньги? (я пенсионерка с пенсией в 10000 рублей, хотела сестре на юбилей сделать подарок, а теперь ни денег, ни подарка) в квитанции куда ушли деньги: ул.Мартеновская д.5 пом/ком/оф 1/2/253 (даже город не указан) Кому: 29231 SHOP FOR YOU сообщение:RPO=80104271898864


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При получении товара в пункте самовывоза, при условии, что товар не соответствует своим характеристикам, могу ли я вернуть товар и получить обратно свои деньги?


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Что делать если купита фотоэпилятор, а консультант не сказал, что для бландинок фотоэпиляторы неподходят (не эффективен) могу ли я обменять товар на мне подходящий?

You can send him the required $1,300. Распечатать

18 окт. в 2:26

Lomé, Consular




leonovyri121@gmail.com, leonov_48@inbox.ru

ПеревестиСоздать правилоСвойства письма кратко

×Язык письма — английский. Перевести на русский?


Dear Mr. Yuriy Leonov,

We have investigated the status of your inheritance case in connection to procuring your Presidential Letter of Guarantee PLOG from the Supreme Court of Togo. You are now required to make a fresh application to the Supreme Court of Togo for this document which will cost you a huge amount of money.

But following up the reports and outcome of your correspondences with this Kesena Slot Komlanvi, you have the Ambassadorial and Consular Department's approval/endorsement to release and send the required sum of $1,300 or rather the full required sum of $1,850 to the this Kesena Slot Komlanvi who is charge of your inheritance case and affairs to help you negotiate with the attorney/lawyer who should be in position to help secure your inheritance for you seeing that you have limited time left for you to secure this PLOG as required for the release and transfer of your inheritance to you as the legitimate beneficiary and heir. Do send him the required sum of $1,300 or full payment of $1,850 to your late lawyer's son Kesena Slot Komlanvi to avoid further delays in getting your inheritance secured for you since with the power of attorney the senior lawyer can help you get sponsor to procure the PLOG on your behalf for the release of your inheritance.

We here in Lome will help you monitor the progress and proceedings and to make sure that you are in the right position to get the release of your inheritance to you accordingly. What we require from you is to follow up our advice as shall be instructed to you.

You must from this particular moment stop communication with every other Embassies or Consular Departments which are not directly involved in the matters of your family inheritance like the French Embassy you have made mention of which has stopped you from sending the required money for your new Power of Attorney to be secured for you. You must understand that they are not directly involved in your family inheritance, and therefore they do not have full access to information concerning your inheritance and by this they are not in position to correctly advise or guide you. Stop sending your mails and correspondences.

We hope to have been able to clear any doubt you may at this moment still have toward the possibility of getting your inheritance released to you. You have to act as fast as possible as you can to send this required sum to the son of your late lawyer to enable the indigenous senior attorney in question secure the power of attorney on your behalf and send it by DHL to you for your signature endorsement so that they can help you arrange and finalize the sponsorship of your PLOG as required to release your family inheritance to you.

Sec. Jude O'SBORNE,

Secretary General to Amb.Robert E.Whitehead.

Embassy of America, Lome TOGO.

Boulevard Eyadema B.P. 852, Lomé

Tel.: (+228) 2261 5470

Emails: jude.ossborne@gmail.com, ConsularLome@state.gov.


9 авг. в 23:05

Lomé, Consular




leonov_48@inbox.ru, leobtl121@gmail.com

ПеревестиСоздать правилоСвойства письма

×Язык письма — английский

. Перевести на русский


Dear Mr. Yuriy Leonov,

From our analysis, it shows that you need to get the Presidential Letter of Guarantee (PLOG) to release your inheritance funds in your name. And also from your correspondences with your late lawyer's son it shows that you have not been forthcoming in making sure that your inheritance was released to you by the government of Togo.

You should know that we have done all diplomatically possible to position you for an unhindered claims process which has given you the right to be in contact with all the necessary authorities you have corresponded with including the top government officials of Togo.

It will be a deliberate wasted efforts by you if you have not until now been able to secure this Presidential Letter Of Guarantee which releases your inheritance funds in your name. We have done all we need to diplomatically do under our diplomatic ethics of operations on your behalf to give an unrestricted access to the Government of Togo for the procurement of all necessary legal documents of your inheritance. All you need to do now is to make sure that your late lawyer's son is morally supported by you to finish the process of securing this PLOG as soon as you can, seeing that it is only this document that is holding back your inheritance funds from you and your family. Mobilize all your family members to raise the necessary money for you secure this PLOG as soon as possible; you should do a family funds raising before you lose the opportunity of securing this last document from the Government of Togo.

You need to do all you can to make sure that you secure/obtain this document within the stipulated time before it will be too late for you to get. You should not go for a new application of this same document because that will be too difficult for you to do if you elapse the given time of getting the document from the office of the president at this time.

Sec. Jude O'SBORNE,

Secretary General to Amb.Robert E.Whitehead.

Embassy of America, Lome TOGO.

Boulevard Eyadema B.P. 852, Lomé

Tel.: (+228) 2261 5470

Emails: jude.ossborne@gmail.com, ConsularLome@state.gov.

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